Saturday started out bright and early with Mom helping me work our first Mom 2 Mom sale to get some of Matthew's old stuff out of the house and make us a few bucks. How does one child accumulate so much stuff?
I was exhausted after the sale. My poor mom had to drive home to Ohio right after, but I was fortunate enough to be able to go home and crash on the couch. Ernie kindly let me sleep but finally woke me up to get going to a graduation party. My co-worker's daughter graduated high school and was having a big party at her house. A lot of my co-workers were there, and we had a really good time. Her house and yard are beautiful. Matthew loved running around the huge yard. He also enjoyed the food. He basically had a little bit of meat sauce, a bread stick, Goldfish, and cookies for dinner. So healthy.
Matthew fell asleep on the way home, and then he of course got his second wind once we got home. After playing for a little while, he was ready for bed. Ernie and I watched some Breaking Bad on Netflix before we went to bed ourselves.
On Sunday, I got grocery shopping out of the way, and then we hit the road to go to my cousin's house. She lives about an hour and a half away and had kindly offered us a free tricycle, wagon, and basketball hoop that her son had long outgrown. Matthew has none of these things, and we have particularly been wanting a wagon, so we were obviously pretty excited. Another one of my cousins (they are sisters) was visiting from Green Bay with her husband and sons, so we got some bonus relative visiting. They had also never met Matthew before, so it was nice for them to see him.
As we left, Ernie called his cousin who didn't live too far away to see if she'd be up for having us pop in for a visit. She agreed but admonished us upon arrival for not giving her more notice about our visit. She was not mad that we'd shown up with little notice but said if she'd known we were coming, she'd have cooked us dinner and got Matthew presents from Toys R Us. She still managed to be quite the hostess. After we had called her, she quickly called to order pizza and salad. She also had some strawberries and mini eclairs and presented Matthew with a brand new Batman t-shirt. I was highly impressed! None of that was necessary, but it was flattering and appreciated that she fussed over us.
Matthew and I snoozed on the way home, although I'm pretty sure I slept longer than he did. I used to never be a napper, but since having a kid, I sure do love naps now. Ernie mowed the lawn when we got home and then rode into town with Chewie to get some gas in the truck and pick up some Chinese for dinner.
Now, it's Monday morning. Where did the weekend go??
i'm definitely a homebody too, but it sounds like that garage sale was a lot of fun!! looks like you had a wonderful weekend!